How do I get to become a great tarot card reader
How do I get to become a great tarot card reader?
There is nothing I want in the World more than being a great tarot card reader, please help me to achieve this. I am too busy to study the booklet that came with the tarot cards I bought, and cannot get together enough money to pay for one of the online courses or the private courses by the top tarot card readers, they are all far too expensive and I think greedy for money. What can I do about this? I very much want to learn how to do the tarot cards myself because I have heard that you can charge a great deal of money for the readings you give then. A lot more than Beth Shepherd the psychic charges, I don't understand why someone as good as her does not charge more. My dream is to get a huge house, two cars, have lots of holidays, new clothes, best food, go out whenever I want, have the hairdresser, manicurist, beautician around, aromatherapy, massage, all of the luxuries when I get started. Tell me how to achieve this within six months.
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